In association with

Supported by

New for 2024

4,000 payment professionals

Network with the entire payments ecosystem under one roof

150 exhibitors

Meet all the leading innovators under one roof


Have your views heard on the industry’s most pressing talking points

Start-up pavillion

Keep your finger on the pulse of the next upcoming technologies

C-Suite keynotes

C-Suite keynotes and over 120 unparalled speakers

1-2-1 meeting service

Introducing you to those that matter

Consultation briefings

Shape future policy

PAY360 after party

We will make sure you learn, network and ENJOY!

Key features

Breakfast Briefing

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Fintech Pitch Live

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Tech Tours

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Disruption Theatre

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Working Groups

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Press Briefings

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Powerpoint free sessions

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

Innovation Zone

Deep dive in your area of expertise with cherry picked, like-minded peers

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