
Founded in 2003, Cosegic is one of the UK’s leading compliance consultancies. Our regulatory compliance specialists work together in industry specialist teams, servicing over 800 clients from the following sectors: Payment services & Cryptoassets, Wholesale Investment (including Hedge Funds, Private Market firms, Corporate Finance and Brokers), Capital Markets (including Asset Managers and Broker/Dealers), Wealth Management, Consumer Credit, Insurance and Lending.


To support firms in being both commercially successful, whilst managing their compliance risk, we actively work with them to build compliance into what they do on a day to day basis, rather than a bolt on, or an afterthought. We have consistently found that this gets the best possible outcome for all concerned. We have built our services and offerings specifically to help our clients confidently navigate regulation in a way that will keep their vision and objectives intact.


Compliance confidence for visionary growth. That is the Cosegic difference

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