In association with

Supported by

Lui Zurawski

Strategist Retail Payments and Data

Lu Zurawski develops propositions to help consumers and businesses interact safely and efficiently, based on principles of on-line trust, privacy and security.  

 After an extensive career in the payments technology sector, Lu now helps business to create customer-centric, online experiences – backed by easy to use digital identity and Verifiable Credentials systems.  

Working as commercial manager in Gen Digital, a cybersecurity firm with more than 500 million consumers, Lu tracks trends and policy/regulatory drivers that shape the future of digital markets, pointing towards consequential new opportunities for smart-thinking businesses. 

Stemming from a curiosity for Behavioural Economics, Lu is known for thought-provoking viewpoints and is a regular speaker and media commentator.  

Lu lives in London with his wife and two Gen Z children – a perpetual payments, big data and social media challenge. When not pontificating about payments and digital ID you’ll find him riding a bike over long-distances.